Stress and Momentum
Liam Hopkins Liam Hopkins

Stress and Momentum

When we are chronically stressed out, our ability to deal with continued stress is reduced. Our body continually perceives mundane and otherwise typical experiences in life as stressful, leading to constant activation of our fight-or-flight processes. Routine activation of our fight or flight systems, without a return to our restorative, rest-and-digest processes, leads to breakdown throughout our system, especially within the systems that are there to calm us down. I know, I know, what a silly mechanism to install into a “resilient” species. Believe me, I have a few pointers for whoever decided to build this into us.

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Stress Ain’t New
Liam Hopkins Liam Hopkins

Stress Ain’t New

Stress isn’t anything new to us as a species, but it sure can feel like it is sometimes. This week we briefly look at the stress response, the factors that influence it’s effects, and a few ways we can keep it from running our lives.

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