Finding Home Everywhere: Expanding Your Comfort Zone
Liam Hopkins Liam Hopkins

Finding Home Everywhere: Expanding Your Comfort Zone

What would it mean to bring home with you, wherever you go? I can only assume that we all have our own personal and unique idea of what this would be like. To me, it would mean feeling comfortable, and at peace, no matter where I went. And when I look back on a lot of the practices and routines that I regularly invest time into, I see that I’m actually trying to expand my comfort zone as far as I can. That much is probably obvious to many of us who are on a journey themed by cultivating resilience and seeking out meaningful experiences and lessons. What may not be as obvious, or it wasn’t to me anyway, is just how easily you can swap the idea of “comfort zone” and “home”, while getting even closer to what feeling we’re truly after.

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